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New Rhino Poaching Crisis Underway in South African Republic

South Africa alone losing 20 rhinos a month so far this year 2010

Document created 08 January 2009, last updated 04 November 2011

Rhino poaching in southern Africa has intensified since 2006 and has surged even more in 2009 and 2010.

Poaching always was problem, but since 1997 rhino numbers had been growing back up thanks to WWF’s Africa Rhino Programme. Today there are 14,500 white rhinos and 4000 black rhinos.

However poaching has increased dramatically again. The number of animals killed by poachers across Africa was 470 between 2006 and 2009, and has reached about 200 already in 2010 in the South African Republic.

This crisis is linked to increasing demand for rhino horn in Asia.
“The resurgence in rhino horn trade is linked to the availability of cellular phones for rapid communication, internet marketing so that criminals remain anonymous and the growing presence of Asian organized crime in Africa.” (see Traffic, 20 Sep 2010, link below).

“This demand has created highly profitable and organized international poaching criminal syndicates who deploy advanced technologies ranging from night vision scopes, silenced weapons, darting equipment and helicopters to carry out their mission” (see WWF: “African Rhino Poaching Crisis”, link below).

Refer to links below for additional information:
- WWF: “African Rhino Poaching Crisis”,
- International Rhino Foundation: “Brief on South African Poaching Crisis”, 20 Sep 2010,
- Independent Online, 5 Oct 2010 for latest news.

Links to external websites:

[wb1]  International Rhino Foundation - 6 Jan 09: Task Team Hunting for Rhino Syndicate - This is the second attack by poachers on white rhinos in the region in less than four weeks and immediately sparked the erection of roadblocks yesterday

[wb2]  International Rhino Foundation - 3 Sep 10 - BRIEF ON SOUTH AFRICAN POACHING CRISIS - Rhino poaching hit a 15 year high in 2009. Since start of 2010, poaching increased dramatically, fuelled by demand for horn in Asia for use in traditional medicines. Involvement of sophisticated crimi

[wb3]  Independent Online (Cape Town) - 5 Oct 10 - 21 held for rhino poaching - National police spokesman Colonel Vishnu Naidoo said it was believed they had been involved in several hundred incidents of rhino poaching, rhino killing, selling of the horns and disposing of the rhino carcasses ov

[wb4]  WWF - 21 Sep 10 - WWF ramps up rhino safety with anti-poaching campaign - WWF today launched a campaign to raise support and funding for those rangers who put their lives on the line to protect Africa’s rhinos.

[wb5]  Stop Rhino Poaching - Click to visit website

[wb6]  WWF - Click to visit webpage: "African rhino poaching crisis"

[wb7]  Mongabay - 3 Nov 11 - South Africa hits record poaching of rhinos—again - So far, 341 rhinos have been lost to poaching this year; while last year saw a total record of 333


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