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About the Open Earth Project

Who we are - Aims - How we operate

Document created 10 July 2017, last updated 21 November 2017


Who we are

The Open Earth Project was created, is owned and is managed by Nicolas Chappaz: originally from the French département of Haute-Savoie not far from Geneva, Ph.D (physical geography) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

The Open Earth Project is fully independent from any external individuals, organizations or vested interests.


This website is designed to help
  • its visitors keep in touch with nature,
  • its contributors communicate about their actions in nature or about the parts of the natural world they know.
Here "nature" is taken in a broad sense and is used interchangeably with "the natural world", "the planet" or "the earth".
Anything that relates to nature or some aspects of nature, especially in relation with people, is relevant to this website's aims.

How we operate

The Open Earth Project is developing this website, Open-earth.org, and making it available to anyone who has information about nature and wishes to share it.

Authors (the contributors) create stories, also called 'documents', that may contain text, images and videos.

Use of this website is entirely free. Only non-commercial information is accepted. Documents with an obvious commercial purpose run the risk of being turned down.

At this stage new authors' documents are reviewed by an editor before publication.


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