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The Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines: Environmental Issues

Pipeline project seen to bring risks of oil spill deep into pristine environments

Document created 20 September 2010, last updated 30 November 2011

Object: Enbridge Inc.’s proposal to build a pipeline from the Alberta tar sands to the British Columbia Coast (see Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines, link below).

Possible oil spills along the pipeline, especially into waterways. Also increased tanker traffic along British Columbia’s northern coast, again with the possibility of oil spills, especially into the fjords used to access the pipeline terminal (see National Geographic: “Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Path”, link below).

It is argued that Enbridge Inc.’s record of oil spills and response to oil spills along other pipelines in the USA is not good and has been criticized both by federal authorities and the media (see Huffington Post: “Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Not Worth the Gamble”, link below).

Links to external websites:

[wb1]  Huffington Post - 10 Sep 10 - Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline Not Worth the Gamble - proposed Northern Gateway pipeline from Alberta's tar sands to the British Columbia coast, it would be illustrative for British Columbians to look south of the border.

[wb2]  National Geographic - 7 Oct 10 - Canadian Rain Forest Edges Oil Pipeline Path - Canada's pristine western coastline could be endangered by a plan to build a new oil pipeline from Alberta to the coast in order to export oil overseas, say environmental activists and native peopl

[wb3]  Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline - Click to visit website

[wb4]  Reuters - 29 Nov 11 - Oil sands opponents turn focus to Enbridge project - Enbridge Inc's proposed C$5.5 billion ($5.3 billion) pipeline to British Columbia poses a raft of environmental risks, according to a new report that signals the project will become the next


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