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Cassowaries In Australia: Status, Trends, Threats

With 1000 individuals left in the wild and threats ongoing, the population is now vulnerable

Document created 12 November 2009, last updated 11 October 2010

Australia’s cassowary population (called Southern Cassowary, Casuarius casuarius johnsonii ) is found in tropical northern Queensland.

Over the last 30 years it has declined dramatically, the chief factor being habitat loss to urbanization and development (see IUCN Red List – Southern Cassowary, link below).

At present the rate of habitat clearing has decreased but not stopped. Other major threats to Australia’s cassowaries are road kill, dog attacks and fencing (see Save The Cassowary website, link below).

Refer to ABC News Autralia (links below) for examples of conservation action.

Links to external websites:

[wb1]  ABC News Australia - 12 Nov 09 - Bob Irwin fights to save cassowaries - The father of the late Steve Irwin has arrived in far north Queensland to help raise awareness about the plight of cassowaries.

[wb2]  ABC News Australia - 6 Oct 10 - Trial to save endangered cassowaries working so far - The Queensland Government says a trial of new measures to prevent cassowary deaths on roads in the state's far north roads is working well so far

[wb3]  Birds Australia - Click to visit webpage: "Cassowary going going gone"

[wb4]  Save The Cassowary - Click to visit Save The Cassowary website

[wb5]  IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - Click to visit IUCN-Red List Southern Cassowary webpage.


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