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Public appeal for protection of Vancouver's Codd Island Wetland

The Land Conservancy of British Columbia announced today that it is launching a public appeal to raise the final $200,000 needed to purchase the Codd Island Wetland and to ensure its protection forever.

Document created 18 December 2003, last updated 18 December 2003

Codd Island Wetland  
This magnificent and extremely important wetland near Pitt Meadows has been the subject of behind-the-scenes negotiations for many years. The Land Conservancy’s Bill Turner said today that an agreement-in-principle covering the key elements of a purchase has been reached. The 250 acre wetland is valued at $4.5 million, and Turner says that all the financing is in place except for the final $200,000.

“We have until February 15th to raise the remaining funds to complete this acquisition,” Turner said. “It will be a tremendous accomplishment for the local community who have been working on this project for many years. We are so close now, we need this one last push to get it done.”

The importance of the Codd Island Wetland property was first brought to the attention of TLC by the Pitt Polder Preservation Society and the District of Pitt Meadows in 2000. Since that time TLC has been working very hard with these groups to raise awareness and funds for the protection of the wetlands.

The Codd Island Wetlands are both provincially and regionally important as one of the last undeveloped fen wetlands remaining in the Lower Mainland. Rivaling Burns Bog in terms of ecological significance, these wetlands are home to hundreds of species of birds, mammals, amphibians and fish including BC’s most endangered frogs, cranes, and wild salmon.

Historically seen as a waste of space, wetlands such as Codd Island are now considered by many to be critical for human health, as well as crucial wildlife habitat. Wetlands are known to act as water and air filters contributing to the health of our regional water and air sheds.

TLC is seeking private and/or corporate donors who care about wildlife habitat, healthy watersheds and airsheds, to donate funds towards the protection of the Codd Island Wetlands. All donations are tax deductible.

“At this time of year, what could be a better gift than a contribution to save this important property?” Turner asked. “By making a donation now, you will be helping to make a better community and a healthier environment for all.”

Donations can be sent to TLC at 5655 Sperling Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5E 2T2, or by calling 604-733-2313. For more information on The Land Conservancy and the Codd Island Wetlands please call us or see TLC’s website at www.conservancy.bc.ca.

For more information contact:

Tracy Keeling
TLC, Communications Coordinator

Bill Turner
Executive Director, TLC
(250) 479-8053


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Codd Island Wetland
